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Fall Creek Suttlery

We have been in the Sutler business for Forty One Years in 2019, supplying Civil War reenactors, living historians, museums, movie productions and Victorian Era buffs with reproduction goods to make their impressions complete. We manufacture a large percentage of the goods we sell in Indiana. Website: https://www.fcsutler.com Facebook: Fall Creek Suttlery

Owidz village in northern Poland – A goldmine for archeologists

The medieval stronghold of Owidz was once a regional centre located on an important trade route and strategic military structure. Now, with a population of just 445 people, it has become a paradise for archaeologists and tourists alike with this year’s excavations revealing thousands of fragments of ceramic vessels, coins and amulets – and even…

American Fasion – Maryland Historical Society

In the 1970s, Enolliah Williams worked as a housekeeper in a mansion called Pratt House in Baltimore that had recently been acquired by the Maryland Historical Society. As she tidied up, she discovered dozens of beautiful garments scattered throughout the house’s nooks and crannies. She became fascinated with these garments, which dated all the way from the early…

Pre-Viking sword found in Uppsala

Archaeologists have uncovered an ornate sword and other striking finds dating back to before the Viking Age in a burial site close to Uppsala. The grave dates back to some point between the years 550-600, the period roughly between what are known as the Migration Period and the Vendel Period in Sweden, before the start…