Riding in a Medieval Cloak

Jason continues Talos’ training, this time using a medieval cloak. Credits: Talos Direction, Camera, Sound, Editing Kasumi Presenter Jason Kingsley OBE Tweets by RebellionJason Tweets by ModernHistoryTV Tweets by Rebellion Music licensed from PremiumBeat.

The Ultimate Guide: Custom Longbow & 38 Legendary Bowyers

Are you someone interested in custom Longbow? Do you wish to make a handmade longbow for yourself? If that is the case, this article will help you know everything regarding this famous medieval bow. Here you will find the best bowyers and even a few fantastic handmade longbows which you can buy immediately. What is…

The Ultimate Guide: Custom Katana & 58 Legendary Swordsmiths

Purchasing a custom Katana cannot be exactly categorized under “regular” purchases. But, you will be surprised to know that there are abundant choices available. Hence, in this article today, I will be exploring some of the best custom Katana makers in the market at present. What is a Katana, a famous Samurai Sword? Katana: Does…

Medieval Swallowtail Crossbow Bolts Don’t Work

Testing the large hunting heads seen in Medieval Manuscripts Following up from a point in a previous video we try to capture the flight characteristics of a large swallowtail head when fitted to a heavy medieval crossbow bolt on high speed video. The bow and bolts featured in this video are for sale at https://todsworkshop.com/collections/in-stock-historical-swords-daggers-crossbows…

Marxbrüder vs Freifechter in “Perspectarische Vorstellung einer Fechtschule” from the 1700s

This is one of my favourite fencing images, a display of a Fechtschule event between Marxbruder and Freifecther. Join me as we go through some of the many amazing details of this image, and relate them to our own times. Courtesy of signore Roberto Gotti and, Gairthenix and MAM.

A Review of the Henry V Sword from Arms and Armor

Physical Characteristics: Weight: 2.7 lbs. (hollow ground version: 2.3 lbs.) Length, overall: 33.5” Length, blade: 27.5” Length, grip: 3.75” Width at cross: 2.25” Width at PoP: 1.25” Point of Balance: 2.5” from cross Point of Percussion: ~17” from cross       The thing you notice first when taking up this reproduction by Arms and…

Monography on 15th Century German Judicial Duel

Some Observations on Judicial Duels, as Practised in Germany by Hugh T. Knight, Jr. “In this work we will discuss the origins of the judicial duel, its definition and how it differs from other kinds of duels, and its constituent parts and format. We will place particular emphasis upon the different forms of judicial duel,…

Treatises to the Long Knife (Langes Messer)

The Long Knife (Langes Messer) is a cut and thrust weapon from the Middle Ages, which enjoyed great popularity as a weapon of defense especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. There are several instructions in fencing books for the Long Knife. In the following article I have listed most fencing books which I have…

Introduction: Tahtib

Tahtib is an ancient art, possibly dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. Engraved tomb walls at the archaeological site of Beni Hasan on the eastern bank of the Nile appear to show stick fighting practice resembling Tahtib. Although modern Tahtib practice tends to be friendly (and there is a heavily stylized Saidi form that…