Accidental Chemistry: Historical Laundry Part 4

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Marxbrüder vs Freifechter in “Perspectarische Vorstellung einer Fechtschule” from the 1700s

This is one of my favourite fencing images, a display of a Fechtschule event between Marxbruder and Freifecther. Join me as we go through some of the many amazing details of this image, and relate them to our own times. Courtesy of signore Roberto Gotti and, Gairthenix and MAM.

Treatises to the Long Knife (Langes Messer)

The Long Knife (Langes Messer) is a cut and thrust weapon from the Middle Ages, which enjoyed great popularity as a weapon of defense especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. There are several instructions in fencing books for the Long Knife. In the following article I have listed most fencing books which I have…

Introduction: Tahtib

Tahtib is an ancient art, possibly dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. Engraved tomb walls at the archaeological site of Beni Hasan on the eastern bank of the Nile appear to show stick fighting practice resembling Tahtib. Although modern Tahtib practice tends to be friendly (and there is a heavily stylized Saidi form that…

Introduction: Bâton Français

The baton was systematized in France during the 1800s and during the mid 1850s baton practice was one aspect of a gymnastics curriculum for French soldiers established at the Joinville military academy. Practice with baton was also popular in 19th century Savate salles. It is likely the baton was popular among various 19th century European…

Fighting a longstick

Various native forms of stick fighting including: Singlestick (British) Greatstick (British) Jogo do Pau (Portuguese) Juego del Palo (Spanish) Makila (Basque) Bastone Siciliano (Sicilian) Scherma de Bastone (Italian) Stockfechten (German) La Canne (French) Bâton Français (French) Bataireacht (Irish) Shillelagh (Irish). […] Examples of arts involving longsticks include Hutton’s Greatstick, Jogo do Pau, Juego del Palo,…

Rossfechten – Mounted Fencing

Two obvious ideas are the idea of a good “seat”, and an appreciation of distance and feeling. An effective seat is essential not only for balance and stability, but also for effectively communicating with the horse. Correct posture and weight shifting keeps us balanced and in control, and gives subtle cues to the horse. The…

Regenyei Armoury

Péter Regenyei „makes swords as a living history research”. He also learns and teaches in a HEMA school in Hungary. He offers modern weapons, including museum replicas and his own designs, to which the foundations are also historical. The shape and characteristics of these swords are based on historical research. Regenyei makes feders, rapiers, daggers,…