St. James Armory Montante Review

Initial Impressions This doesn’t feel like a longsword. I’ve handled held a friend’s Arms and Armor montante before, and a Pavel Moc federschwert (insert joke about how big pavel’s standard feders are here), and it felt rather similar to those. It didn’t feel cheap, it didn’t feel under or over constructed, and it rang like…

Pre-Viking sword found in Uppsala

Archaeologists have uncovered an ornate sword and other striking finds dating back to before the Viking Age in a burial site close to Uppsala. The grave dates back to some point between the years 550-600, the period roughly between what are known as the Migration Period and the Vendel Period in Sweden, before the start…

Paramerion sabre trainig - Academia Leontes

Academia Leontes: this is how Byzantines fought

Georgios Georgas is an instructor of historical martial arts in the Academy of historical European Martial Arts “Leontes” – club focused on late Byzantine and post-Byzantine period of history but they also study and practice ancient, medieval, renaissance and modern swordsmanship. “As far I remember myself, I grew up with the epics stories and poems…