160lbs Longbow vs 860lbs Crossbow – Speed and Accuracy Test

Shooting a HEAVY medieval longbow against a HEAVY medieval crossbow to look at the speed of shooting and the level of accuracy each of these classic weapons can achieve. How many shots will the longbow get off against the crossbow? Which is more accurate? These trials are very set around a chat between Joe Gibbs,…

How Did Medieval Bows Beat Armor & Enemy Armies?

We’ve seen time and again that in the most accurate tests (Tod’s test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBxdTkddHaE ), longbow arrows cannot penetrate breastplates. Does that matter? We know that longbows won wars – this video explains HOW! Extra videos at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scholagladiatoria

Medieval Battlefield Sword Fighting Vs Regular HEMA Sparring

In HEMA we primarily focus on sword fighting in regular clothes, but we have to recognise that this mostly applies to civilian duels. Not to say that the skills are not fundamentally related, but armor changes so much about combat.