
In our store you will find a broad range of replicas and historical reconstructions, mostly from the Medieval period. Our products are based on archeological and pictorial sources. Their quality was appreciated by many historical reenactment groups, museums and hobbyists from Poland and abroad. Among our products you will find belts and knight’s girdles, accessories…

The Quintessential British Soldier Kit

For more information on the 17th, click here ➧ https://www.17thregiment.com/ ➧➧ For more information on Fort Frederick, click here ➧ https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/western/fortfrederick.aspx ➧➧ Visit Our Website! ➧ http://www.townsends.us/ ➧➧ Help support the channel with Patreon ➧ https://www.patreon.com/townsend ➧➧ Sign up for the YouTube Mailing List! ➧ http://www.townsends.us/youtube_list.htm ➧➧ Twitter ➧ @Jas_Townsend Facebook ➧ facebook.com/jas.townsend Instagram ➧…

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Polish group that connects crafting and selling reenactment accesories with organising living history events and also cooperation with museum and filmmakers as items provider. They are concerned with history from ancient Rome to II World War. Main website: http://www.walhalla.com.pl Facebook news: https://www.facebook.com/Walhallacompl Shop: http://www.walhalla.com.pl/sklep/