Brotherhood of Warriors “Kruki”

Brotherhood of Warriors “Kruki” (eng. „Ravens”), or simply Kruki or BWK, is an early-medieval reenactment organisation reconstructing the life and past-times of the peoples who lived in and around the Scandinavian and Slavic lands- from the time of the Lindisfarne raid to the battle of Hastings. Its membersportray vikings, normans, ruthenians, slavs and more, focusing…

Vectir – HEMA club

Vectir is HEMA club located In Mysłowice, Poland. We are mosty focused on langes messer, long sword and spear based on teachings of late-medieval fencing masters like Johannes Liechtenauer, Johannes Lecküchner or Peter von Danzig. Every year we run fencing event: ŚKUNKS (Śląskie Konfrontacje Utraconych Nauk Kunsztu Szermierczego – The Silesian Confrontations of Lost Fencing…