Sword of Francis I from the Musée de l’Armée

Olivier Renaudeau, a curator from the Musée de l’Armée in Paris, looks at a royal buckler belonging to Henry VIII of England. Over five episodes Olivier explores objects in their collection related to the Field of the Cloth of Gold. The Royal Armouries had planned to feature the objects in our exhibition in Leeds. These…

When the CHINESE invented the LONGSWORD: Roaring Dragon Jian from LK Chen REVIEW

The Chu two-handed sword (jian) was probably the first steel-bladed ‘longsword’ that the world had seen and it was closely modeled on bronze examples that had gone before. Here we look at the historically accurate replica, the ‘roaring dragon’ jian, by LK Chen, with some historical background and cutting tests. Full review by Matt Easton…

Mystery Short Sword: What is it? Messer, Seax, Facine/Pioneer, Hunting Sword?

I buy and sell hundreds of antique swords, but I don’t really know exactly what this one is! Do you? I’ve also got some other antique short swords out to compare to it. Channel support and 3 extra videos per month on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scholagladiatoria Facebook & Twitter updates, info and fun: https://www.facebook.com/historicalfencing/ Tweets by scholagladiato1…

2200 Year Old Chinese Swords – LK Chen Magnificent Chu Jian Review & History

Matt Easton (Scholagladiatoria) reviews the beautiful Magnificent Chu Jian from LK Chen. https://lkchensword.com/magnificent-chu-jian Channel support and 3 extra videos per month on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scholagladiatoria Facebook & Twitter updates, info and fun: https://www.facebook.com/historicalfencing/ Tweets by scholagladiato1 Matt Easton’s website and services: https://www.matt-easton.co.uk/ Easton Antique Arms: https://www.antique-swords.co.uk/