Sword knots are well known in military sabers, but it has it’s roots in the Middle Ages, lets take a brief look at the Medieval Sword Knot. Note: Putting the sword knot on this swords pommel wasn’t an option due to the odd pommel shape. It would almost always be attached at the pommel, but…
Jason investigates medieval soap and other techniques for cleaning your hands after a long day at work. Credits: Direction, Camera, Sound, Editing Kasumi Presenter Jason Kingsley OBE Tweets by RebellionJason Tweets by ModernHistoryTV Tweets by Rebellion Music licensed from PremiumBeat.
A full range of equipment for Historical European Martial Arts: HEMA jackets, HEMA trousers&skirts, HEMA protectors, HEMA gloves, HEMA weapons and more. We are HEMA practioners, who constantly test our products. Through feedbacks from fencers around the globe we are improving our products and designing new ones. We travel around the world sponsoring HEMA competitions,…
Manufacturer of Historical European Martian Arts equipment. Most of our research is conducted through the Schola Gladiatoria and Sword Forums. We have a range of high profile test groups in the UK and overseas that we constantly work with to ensure our products are fit for purpose before being launched onto the global market. Website:…