What was it like to travel during the Middle Ages? Part 1: Going by Road

The Middle Ages was a world on the move. Sometimes this could mean actually picking up your whole life and moving it to another place—a “sometimes” much more frequent than traditional accounts of serfdom and feudalism would have it. For example, teenagers from the countryside sought work in cities to make themselves more worthy marriage…

Found: 2,500 Medieval Coins, and Evidence of Tax Evasion

IT’S OFTEN SAID THAT LIFE’S only certainties are death and taxes, but people have spent centuries figuring out ways to evade the latter. Look no further than a hoard of 2,528 11th-century coins recently discovered in England, which together bear witness to regime change, domestic unrest, and, amid it all, fraud. The coins were found in…

Smart Sword by SwordSTEM

This project integrated an embedded system that detects and reports martially sound strikes into a European Longsword simulator. This system filters out parries and contact too light to be considered valid while assessing the quality of a true strike. The entire system is contained within the sword simulator while disturbing its handling as little as…

St. James Armory Montante Review

Initial Impressions This doesn’t feel like a longsword. I’ve handled held a friend’s Arms and Armor montante before, and a Pavel Moc federschwert (insert joke about how big pavel’s standard feders are here), and it felt rather similar to those. It didn’t feel cheap, it didn’t feel under or over constructed, and it rang like…

Medieval Myth Busting by Tod’s Workshop – Arrows vs Armour

What happens when a 160lbs ENGLISH LONGBOW shoots FULL WEIGHT MEDIEVAL ARROWS at properly Reproduced MEDIEVAL ARMOUR? The English longbow is laden with myth; of its origins, its power, its achievements. The centuries that have passed since it was used in earnest, means that the knowledge of what the bow was actually capable of doing,…